Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mark 9: "Help me overcome my unbelief!"

Read Mark 9:14-29

In this story, a man brings his son to Jesus, asking Him to cast out the evil spirit who has possessed the boy. Apparently, the disciples had tried to cast out the demon and had been unsuccessful. Jesus' frustration is evident as He rebukes their unbelief and cries out in verse 19, "'How long shall I put up with you?'" His frustration with them is obviously warranted. Jesus had displayed His power through multiple miracles, yet He still faced (and continues to face today) unbelief by so many people. We later see Jesus explain to the disciples why they could not cast out the demons themselves. This miracle could only take place through faith in the Lord and dependence on Him through prayer (vs. 29).

The boy's father asks Jesus this question in verse 22: "'If you can do anything, take pity on us and help us.'" Obviously the father's faith was not rock solid. The word "can" in his plea to Jesus reveals his lack of trust in God;he was hopeful, but not confident.

Jesus' response is powerful, as He replies in verse 23, "If you can? Everything is possible for him who believes." Jesus saw the lack of faith in the man's heart and exposed it, boldly proclaiming that God has no limits.

I absolutely love the father's response here and have pondered his words so many times. Verse 24 states, "Immediately the boy's father exclaimed, 'I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!'" Man, can I relate to that response! The father asserts that he does believe, but needs help to overcome the unbelief clouding his faith. Like the father in this story, I believe in God's power, and I know that He can do anything in the world. However, when I ask God for something big, I oftentimes don't really believe God will do it. How many times have I prayed for something to happen and am shocked when I see that prayer answered. My surprise at seeing God answer my prayer reveals my complete lack of faith. If I had faith, I would be expecting God to work rather than being shocked when He does.

I love the fact that the father asks Jesus for help in overcoming his own doubts. I have prayed this prayer so many times! Though we are called to have faith in Jesus, we need Him to help us do it! We are so prone to wander from the truth, to doubt, to forget all of God's faithfulness, and to fall into needless worry and despair.

Many Christians have grown up in church and have heard all of the stories of God's faithfulness, and they believe them to be true. But, when their faith is tested, they are so quick to doubt. This week, I encourage you to pray this prayer: "Help me overcome my unbelief!" Many of us are full of doubt and must cry out to our Lord to help us overcome it! I don't know about you, but I don't want to be called an "unbelieving generation," as the people in this story were!