Thursday, January 14, 2010

God Loves to Use Ordinary People!

Read Acts 4:1-22

Have you ever felt inadequate to be used by God? Have you ever assumed God would rather use someone more "spiritual" than you to minister to others? I know I did! When I was starting college at Baylor, I began to explore what I wanted to do as a career. You may be surprised at this, but I didn't even give the idea of vocational ministry a second thought. One of the reasons I crossed this off my list was because I didn't think I was worthy of such a high calling. I thought God would only put super-spiritual perfect Christians in ministry, not ordinary people like me. However, when I started to lead small Bible studies for other college girls in my sorority and in my church, I had a revelation. I saw God use me in awesome ways and work through me to reach others. This is when I realized that I didn't have to be someone special to be used by God, because He would be the One doing the work... not me! When I teach and minister to others, I am fully aware that the Holy Spirit is working through me, and I know I am not doing it on my own. Because of the Holy Spirit, ordinary people like you and me can be used in amazing ways.

I love this story in Acts 4, because it shows us that Peter and John, 2 of the pillars of the Christian church, were just ordinary guys. In this story, Peter and John must go before the city officials and give an account for the miracle they had just performed and the message they were preaching. After Jesus' resurrection and return to heaven, Peter and John began proclaiming the good news of Jesus. They preached that Jesus was indeed the Messiah the Jews had been waiting for, that He had risen, and that He was the way to eternal life in heaven. They also had just healed a crippled man in the previous chapter in the name of Jesus Christ.

This gospel message was offensive to many people and caused an outrage. Peter and John were basically accusing these city officials of killing God's only Son. Naturally, they were a little upset and wanted to put a stop to it all. When they called Peter and John to the Sanhedrin to give an account for what they had done, these 2 men boldly reiterated that Jesus was the Christ.

Now listen carefully, because verse 13 is really amazing. It says, "When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that they had been with Jesus."
I love this! They're sitting there listening to Peter and John defend their faith, and they are amazed at how ordinary these guys are. They're not educated scholars with vast amounts of knowledge; they're just simple fisherman. Yet despite these humble beginnings, they're healing people and converting thousands to their faith! Though they were ordinary men, there was one thing that made them stand out. They had been with Jesus. Because of their relationship with Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit, they were transformed from the ordinary to the extraordinary.

Peter and John's message was very simple. In verse 20 they state, "For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard." Peter and John were simply teaching others what they had experienced and learned by being with Jesus. By obediently sharing their testimony about Jesus, these ordinary men would lead thousands to Christ.

Perhaps you think you are inadequate to be used by God and therefore fail to seize opportunities to minister and evangelize. The truth is, we're all inadequate. However, when the Holy Spirit fills us, we are then given the power to do great things in His name. We just need to be available and obedient and then watch Him accomplish His work in and through us. God loves to use ordinary people like you and me! Pray today that the Lord will use you in amazing ways in ministry, service, and evangelism, and that He would give you the courage to trust Him and be obedient to that calling.