Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Proverbs 31:25--Could this verse describe you?

Read Proverbs 31:25

In Proverbs 31:10-31, King Lemuel's mother describes a wife of noble character to her son. Though there is much wisdom to be learned as a young woman from this passage, I've decided to focus in on verse 25 for today. My prayer is that this verse will become one that describes each of you girls.

In this verse, the noble woman is described as being metaphorically adorned with strength and dignity. How can we emulate this? When I think of a woman being strong in our culture,
I tend to visualize the famous picture of "Rose the Riveter," with the famous caption, "We can do it." Our culture tends to label women as strong who are tough and aggressive and who have overcome great odds to successfully accomplish incredible things. Women like Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama, and Amelia Earhart come to mind. However, I don't think this is at all what the verse is talking about! I believe that the strength mentioned in this passage is the kind of strength that comes only from the Lord. Because believers have the Holy Spirit living inside of us, we can do things we would never have the strength to do alone. I'm not talking about having the strength to accomplish the same tasks that men can. I am talking of a supernatural strength that gives believers the power to love the unlovable, resist temptation, endure hardships, preach the gospel effectively, share wisdom with those who are struggling, and forgive those who have hurt them (among many other things). Because I am a Christian, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Phil 4:13). Does this type of strength characterize your life?

Webster's Dictionary defines "dignity" as "the quality or state of being worthy, honored, or esteemed." The original Greek word in the text is "hadar," and can also be translated "honor" or "splendor." A dignified woman is one who is highly respected and held in honor by those who know her. Does the word "dignified" describe you? I think a picture of a dignified teenage girl would look something like the following description. This girl would dress modestly, speak respectfully to adults, submit to the authorities established over her, speak in a wholesome and godly manner, and live obediently to the Lord. This upright way of living makes her dignified. This picture of a dignified girl may be unattractive to you, because she would be considered by many to be a "goody-goody." However, upright and holy living is what God has called Christians to exemplify. Are you someone others would describe as dignified? Just like the last quality listed, this quality also comes from the Lord's work in you. As you follow Him and obey His commands carefully, the Holy Spirit will work in you to make you one who is worthy and honored.

The last part of this verse says that the woman can "laugh at the days to come." This woman is not worried about the future in the least. If you read the entire passage (31:10-31), you can see that she is very careful in making all necessary preparations for her family's future well-being. She knows she has worked hard and done her best. More than this, she trusts God with her future. Rather than being anxious about the unknown, she is secure and at peace, because she knows that God is in control and has a plan. Does this characterize you? Are you procrastinating to get things done, causing great worry and anxiety in your life? Perhaps you have a large project or paper coming up. Do you do your best and work hard to have it done on time? I am not a procrastinator, but I am a worrier. Maybe you are like me. You have done all that you can do to prepare for the future, but you are still worried about the outcome. You fail to trust God completely and hate not knowing what lies ahead. How I long to be someone who laughs at the days to come! Those with great faith in the Lord can do just that.

I like to break down this passage in Proverbs 31, because as a whole it can be so overwhelming! Focus on this one verse and pray about the area in which you need God's help the most. Are you strong? dignified? trusting God with the future? Lift your area of need up to Him today!