Read 1 Timothy 2:9-15
By God's grace, I'm going to try to explain this much discussed passage in Scripture concerning a woman's role in the church. My purpose in choosing this passage is not to start a debate, but rather to carefully examine what God is trying to tell us through these verses. The book of 1 Timothy is a letter written to Timothy from the apostle Paul. The purpose of the letter is to explain how the Christian church should operate. In 1 Timothy 2:9-15, he talks specifically about what a woman's role in the church should be.
In verses 9-10 Paul describes how women are to dress and behave themselves. Women should not be vainly drawing attention to themselves through ostentatious or eye-catching apparel in the church. This takes the focus off of Christ and distracts others during worship. The point is not to avoid braids, gold, or pearls specifically, but rather to avoid the kind of clothing that puts the focus on yourself. A woman's clothing should be modest rather than revealing and causing others to stumble. When women in the church are focused on their appearance and on attracting the notice of others, it is easy to see that their hearts are not where they should be as believers. Rather, verse 10 states that their focus should be godliness. They should strive as women to be pure and holy and filled with inner beauty.
As women, we have a strong tendency (myself included) to place our focus on our appearance. We want others to notice us and give us attention. What a sinful thing that is to do in the house of God! Christ deserves all of our focus and attention, and all glory should go to Him alone. The only thing that should be bringing you attention is that others are seeing the Lord's work in your life and praising Him for it!
We go on in verse 11 and 12 to see what a woman's role is in the church. Based on this passage, which is the inerrant Word of God, women are not the leaders of the church. Verse 12 clearly states that a woman is "not to teach or have authority over a man." Does this exclude women from all service in the church? If that was the case, I'd be out of a job! No, there are certainly many ways women can serve the body of Christ (such as teaching other women-Titus 2:3-5-or children), but these do not include any kind of teaching or authoritative position over men. Therefore, this excludes women from the role of pastor or elder, because these offices include teaching and exercising authority over men. This is a crystal-clear verse, and it is the way God has designed the church to operate. We don't have the freedom to pick and choose which texts we will follow. The entire Bible has been inspired by God and is without error. Even the difficult passages must be followed in obedience! Just because God has ordained different roles for men and women doesn't mean that women are any less in His sight. Different doesn't mean inferior!
Verse 13 tells us that a man's role was made clear from the beginning of creation. Adam was created first, not Eve. He was the leader to whom God gave the responsibility. When Adam failed to be the kind of leader he was called to be and allowed Eve to usurp his authority and control him, there were catastrophic consequences. She sinned and then led him into sin, leading to the fall of the human race (vs. 14).
Verse 15 is tricky, but I believe it means that women will be preserved by embracing their God-ordained role as a woman. Though many see a woman's role in Scripture as bondage, there is true freedom in following the will of God. Women are to continue in "faith and love and sanctity with self-restraint" (15). They may not understand why God has not given them the same role as a man, but regardless, they are to continue on in faith and obedience to His revealed will in Scripture.
Many women find this a hard passage to read. They feel that this teaching is sexist and misogynistic and choose to skip over it. However, we must remember that this is just as much the inspired Word of God as the gospels are! God loves women and created them in His own image. I can give you so many examples of Jesus showing compassion to women that he met and truly valuing them. However, though God's love for us is the same, His roles for us on earth are different. I chose this passage, because in our ultra feminist culture, it is important for us to know what God called women to do in the church. We must firmly hold to His Word rather than allowing our culture's message to change our theology.