OK girls, before you marry a guy, there are a few things you should know about him first. One of the little "tests" you should make sure your guy passes before you say "I do," involves watching how he acts around children. I think this shows a lot about a guy's character. Many men can be dismissive of children or see them as unimportant or not worth their attention. This shows arrogance and self importance. Guys who go out of their way to show attention and love to a child, are in my opinion, more compassionate and humble. This is one of the many things that attracted me to Lee. He was so kind and loving to children and showed a genuine concern for them.
This is one reason I love this story in Mark 10:13-16...it reveals a side of Jesus' heart. In this story, that you've probably heard many times, people were bringing their children to Jesus so that He might touch them (and subsequently bless them and pray for them). As the people were bringing the children to Jesus, His disciples started rebuking them and trying to get them to leave. In their minds, I'm sure they saw these children as insignificant, and they wanted Jesus to be available for bigger and more important things. However, we see a glimpse of Jesus' loving heart when He in turn rebukes the disciples for trying to hinder the children from coming to Him.
Now think about this...Jesus is God in the flesh. He's a pretty important person, to say the very least! However, despite His identity as God's son, Jesus continued to exhibit a shocking amount of humility on earth. The way Jesus played with these children is one of the many examples of His great humility. Jesus didn't see Himself as too good for this task. These children had souls too, and their lives were just as sacred in His mind as those of the religious officials or leaders in the community. What compassion Jesus had on these little kids! He saw the task of praying over them and blessing them as one that was worthy of His time.
I think that oftentimes we see some types of ministry as more worthy than others. However, while working in the nursery, visiting the elderly, or cleaning someone's windows may not be as glorious as serving on the mission field or leading a Bible study, these tasks are still worthy ministries! We should never see ourselves as "too good" or "too important" to serve God doing a more lowly task. Jesus really demonstrates this by taking time out of His teaching, healing, and preaching ministry to minister to some insignificant children.
Notice what Jesus says about the children. In verse 15, He says, "Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all." What do you think He is getting at here? It doesn't seem to make sense on the surface that Jesus would want us to revert to becoming like a child rather than growing into maturity. What I think Jesus is getting at here is not a childish faith in Him, but a child-like faith. We're not supposed to be like a child in the sense that we are immature or devoid of knowledge or growth. Rather, we're supposed to be like a child in the sense that we wholeheartedly believe in the Lord without reservation, doubt, or skepticism, and that we love and trust Him wholeheartedly and with full humility.
Have you ever tried to tell a child about something totally out of the ordinary? For instance, you could tell them that there are monsters under the bed, there is an old man who delivers presents to every house in the world in one night, that unicorns exist, etc. They grow completely wide-eyed and totally buy the whole story immediately, no questions asked. What if you tried to tell these same things to an adult? The response would be radically different! Not even the most gullible person would believe those things. Now, these things are all totally ridiculous and untrue. However, the truth about God is 100% accurate, but also totally extraordinary, miraculous, and supernatural. You can't see God, so you have to believe that He is real by faith. You didn't see God part the Red Sea, save Daniel from the Lion's Den, or make the sun stand still. However, because you have faith, you believe these things to be true.
Do you see the analogy Jesus is making? Our faith in Him is to be like a child's faith. We are to fully believe His Word without any doubts, skepticism, or questions. Like a child, we're to simply believe what His Word says is true, rather than trying to rationally explain away the miracles of the Scriptures like so many adults are prone to do.
Here's another thing to think about along these same lines... Think about the way a child runs to his mother or father. He climbs into their lap, hugs their neck, and kisses them on the cheek while loudly proclaiming, "I love you!" Now think about the way an adult greets his father or mother...not quite the same reaction! There is more reservation from adults. We hold things back, as opposed to a child who has no inhibitions whatsoever. Adults will greet their parents warmly, but it won't be the same outpouring of affection. We are to go to our Father in heaven like a child, humbly crawling into His arms of love and unreservedly giving our whole hearts to Him, holding nothing back!
Do you have a child-like faith and affection for the Lord? Examine your heart and surrender all of your doubts and reservations to Him~