Thursday, January 14, 2010

Do You Want to Change the Way You Look?

Read Psalm 139:14: "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."

This week we find Heidi Montag on the cover of People magazine. Why does this girl keep popping up in the media? What has she accomplished? Well, this week she has accomplished getting not 1 but a whopping 10 plastic surgery procedures done in one day. Let's just say she doesn't look quite herself anymore...

But why get plastic surgery done at all? Let's think about this for a moment. Heidi is gorgeous...she's rich...she's famous...she has a man...she's young (23)...why the need to change herself, especially when she seems to have everything that most girls desire? She says in the article that over the past 3 years she has been agonizing over which procedures she wants done and is, "beyond obsessed" (her own words).

Heidi's drastic plastic surgery is proof that the things of this world cannot satisfy. Heidi wasn't content with her already incredible looks, wealth, and celebrity status. She was left wanting more and tried to find it through plastic surgery. Once the excitement of this wears off, she'll then go to something else to attempt to fill the void in her life. As believers, we know that she will continue to come up empty and unfulfilled unless she turns to Christ.

So here's the plastic surgery wrong? Is it a sin for Christians? Plastic surgery is obviously the result of a much deeper issue. Way before the massive expense and physical discomfort of going under the knife occurs, there is an obsession with image. Most women suffer from worshiping looks. There is so much pressure for women to be beautiful and so much temptation to compare themselves with the looks of others. They become obsessed with their flaws and "problem features" and spend hordes of time, money and energy on making themselves look better.

Do you think this obsession with looks glorifies God? When you think about it, it is incredibly selfish. Isn't our focus supposed to be on glorifying and worshiping God rather than our looks? How much time do you spend in front of the mirror in comparison to the amount of time you spend in the Word?

When I was in high school, someone asked me, "if you could change any physical feature on yourself, would you do it?" My answer back then was a resounding YES! I had a whole list of things I wanted to change! I was so focused on how I looked and was so disgusted with so many of my features. If only I could change certain things about myself, then I would be beautiful and everything would be better. I was then reminded that God carefully designed each of my physical features when He created me. None of it was a mistake. By constantly complaining about my looks and agonizing over how I could make myself look different, I was slapping my Creator in the face!

Psalm 139:14 is a beautiful verse. We're reminded that God doesn't make ugly stuff. All of His creation is fearfully and wonderfully made, and that includes you! You are a work of art designed by a loving Creator. Your features were not an accident or a mistake, but they were given to you by God. When you think about it like that, you're forced to think twice before altering yourself.

Today if someone asked me that same question they did in high school, my response would be much different. I can honestly say that I don't want to change anything about myself anymore. This obviously isn't because I look perfect, but it's because I've learned to be content with the way God has specifically designed me. Sure, I have my days where I struggle with image and don't like what I see in the mirror, but image doesn't have a hold on me like it used to. It is no longer an obsession or a constant area of concern or worry.

If you had the opportunity to alter your appearance like Heidi, would you do it? What do you think this says about your walk with God? If image is a major struggle for you, I'd encourage you to memorize Psalm 139:14 and quote it frequently. Pray that the Lord will change your heart and help you to take the focus off of yourself and on to Him, and that He will help you to be content with the way He has designed you~