Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Problem with Oprah

It's finally happening...Oprah is taking over the world. Well, maybe not the world, but she is launching her very own TV network, The Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN), on cable. This is just what America needs (sarcasm alert!). What is my problem with Oprah Winfrey, you ask? Don't get me wrong, I recognize her generosity and the amount of charity work she does globally. However, I also realize that her self-help brand of Christianity is leading countless people astray. Simply speaking, she's a false teacher, a wolf in sheep's clothing who looks like a great Christian on the outside but is far from knowing the truth revealed in Scripture.

Last weekend, Oprah donned the cover of the "Parade" insert in the Houston Chronicle. When asked about the launch of her new network, Oprah responded:
"I’m concerned about the bigger overall picture: my belief that people are basically good and want to see the good in them reflected through their experiences and the shows that they watch. This is a gamble I’m taking. I believe that the banal state of television, the kind of insipid space that we’re in—that you can have as many channels as we have and not find anything that really interests you—means that to a great extent we’ve lost our way."

It is clear from this quote that Oprah doesn't believe in original sin. Total depravity, the belief that humans are fallen and are born into this world bent on rebellion to their Creator, is a fundamental Christian doctrine. If you don't believe that you have a wretched sin nature, then you have no need for a Savior. If people are basically good, as Oprah teaches, then why did Jesus have to die for our sins? You only have to spend 5 minutes with a toddler to understand the reality of original sin. No one has to teach a child to disobey his parents, to hit his sister, or to grab a toy from a friend and scream "Mine!" Sin is innate within us, and without Jesus, we have no hope.

Oprah is right in noticing that "we've lost our way." However, the solution is not more self-help shows, but Jesus Christ and His Word. It's alarming to me to read Oprah complain that most TV shows are too mindless, and then to want to fix this problem with more TV shows. She makes the comment, "I think that there are people who want to be fed just a little more;" but she's talking about feeding them more mindless self-help shows, when what they really need to be fed with is God's Word! Oprah's line-up of programs include shows that show people how to get organized, how to improve their relationships, how to cook better, etc. Learning how to be more organized or how to cook a better omelet is not going to save you! You can't save yourself, which is the problem with the self-help philosophy. Only Jesus has the power to transform lives and bring hope and purpose.

I point this out in order to show you how pervasive false teaching is today. The things people like Oprah say sound great, but they don't mean anything. It's not about "living your best life" as she often says, but about dying to yourself and surrendering your life to Christ, as the Bible says! Do you see the difference? Pray every day for discernment, and be careful not to accept the things you hear just because they sound good~

You can check out the full article at: