I don't know about you, but I am sick of Britney's new song "Three." While in the Galleria the other day, i must have heard it at least 4 times. I had not paid much attention to the lyrics of this song before, but I decided to listen to it more carefully next time I heard it, just to see if it was as depraved as I thought it was. And yes, after listening to it more closely, I can definitely say that it is.
So what's the big deal? Britney's last single, "If You Seek Amy," was just as offensive and inappropriate. However, a certain line in "Three" really stood out to me. Several times in the song, Britney sings, "Living in sin is the new thing." I found this interesting, because not many celebrities use the word sin. It would seem that Britney is actually admitting that the sexual immorality her song promotes is a sin. Later on in the song she calls her behavior innocent, but I don't think she actually believes that or wants us to believe it either. I mean, one of her most famous lines is "I'm not that innocent" (in "Oops I did it again," in case you aren't up on your Britney lyrics). Clearly, innocence is not something she is aiming for. So that brings us back to sin. Don't you find it interesting that she refers to her sexual promiscuity in this song as "living in sin?" God designed the world a certain way. He designed sex to be between a man and a woman under the covenant of marriage. Anything outside of this God-ordained design is perverted, twisted, and yes, sinful. Though Britney doesn't claim to be a Christian and is definitely not a Bible scholar, she, and the rest of the world, innately know when something is clearly not right.
Acknowledging that you are a sinner is usually the first step toward salvation. We must understand that we are sinners before we realize that we need a Savior. Britney's realization of sin in her life could lead her to the path of salvation, if she heard the message of the gospel. However, instead of letting her conviction of sin lead her to repentance, she laughs it off and flippantly calls it "the new thing." Well, sin definitely is "the thing," but it certainly isn't new. You only have to read a couple of chapters into the Bible to see the first sin committed by Adam and Eve. This original sin is quickly followed by murder, deceit, idolatry, sexual immorality and homosexuality, to name just a few more. As the writer of Ecclesiastes states, "there is nothing new under the sun" (Ecc. 1:9). Sorry Britney, you're not the first to engage in such wickedness, and you certainly won't be the last.
I point this line in "Three" out to you, because it gives you some insight into what the rest of the unsaved world is thinking about sin. Some, like Britney, may admit openly that their behavior is sinful, though many don't reach this conclusion. However, unless that confession of sin leads to sorrowful repentance at the foot of the cross, there is no hope for those people. We are never to throw up our hands and just keep on sinning because that's what the rest of society is doing. Jesus Christ can free us from that bondage. Britney's theology is skewed, but I hope that she will come to Jesus with a repentant heart one day! Why not pray for her today?